Consider Food as Medicineshutterstock_153407807


The father of medicine, Hippocrates, stated “consider food as medicine”. About 70% of diseases leading to ill health and premature morbidity are nutritionally oriented.

In our modern world we are fortunate to have access to a vast choice of foods, but unfortunately a growing number of people, including children suffer from food allergies, food intolerances and digestive problems.

Book an appointment at Compass Natural Health and let Elda help you navigate your way through the maze of food and nutrition choices to best support your health, based on your individuality.shutterstock_158536406

Contact us

0439 222 244

email / contact form

Areas serviced: Baldivis, Warnbro, Rockingham, Kwinana, Medina, Secret Harbour, Singleton, Karnup, Mandurah, Wellard, Causarina, Bertrum, Hammond Park, Atwell, Aubin Grove, Success, Yangebup, Cockburn

Hours of Operation

Monday: 9am to 5pm
Tuesday: 10am to 6pm
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 10am to 6pm
Friday: 9am to 1pm
Saturday: 9am to 1pm once monthly
Sunday: Closed